Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Matrix Trilogy

We watched the Matrix trilogy: The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions. For the record, none of us know why the second and third films are named what they are. If you know, please tell us.

The Matrix

For the 90's, groundbreaking.
- L

I used to watch this film once a week when I was about 12 or 13. I really liked it because I thought it looked cool. It still looks cool but the script is puss which is kind of ironic given it's probably the best written film of the three. There aren't many sequences filled with character spouting endless torrents of stupid "enlightened" dialogue like the other two. There aren't too many dumb questions an answer sessions (like "What choice do I have to make?", "You are not here to find out what choice you have to make, but why you are going to make it"...great, thanks) and Joe Pantoliano is probably the worst character in this film and even then he's pretty good. The ending doesn't really scream sequel either so I see the two films that follow as pretty useless in hindsight. Kind of like doing The Green Mile Reloaded or The Shawkshank Redemption Revolutions.
- Mike

Morpheus + Neo + body plugs = wired relationship.
- AJ

The Matrix Reloaded

For the 2000's, not so groundbreaking. Seeing a lady have an orgasm via the showing of a computer generated vagina was unncessary, thanks Wachowski brothers.
- Lotty

Aside from the nonsensical title this film is okay. The cave rave scene is probably the worst part of the film so maybe watch that first cause everything gets better from there. Commander Lock is basically frustrated and annoyed literally the entire film, flaring his nostrils super wide (maybe to make the plot holes seem smaller in comparison) and yelling at Morpheus for being all hopeful and such. That old guy who talks to Neo about the water recycling machines never looks upset at all and doesn't really act. He would be cool to hang out with. A few dumb dialogue bits with the Oracle (who is cooler in this one than in the first one) and some cool fights. Let's face it, who watched these films for the characterization? The action and style are the only reason to watch this film which is something that can't be said for the third film (it only really has the style, and even then it's kind of lame) so anyone looking for a sweet backstory about Zion or something will be disappointed because Zion sucks anyway.
- Mike

Twin albinos + automobiles + leather = luxury car with albino bodyguards.
- AJ

The Matrix Revolutions

When your woman calls the shots whilst wearing tight leather pants( niobe) and the survival of the human race depends on you( commander lock), you need to get your woman in line. Thankfully a man saved them.
- L

The worst film which is bad considering it's the final one. Bad way to finish, Wachowskis. This film actually has Neo blind for about half of it (sounds exciting doesn't it!) and asks more questions posing as answers which in turn makes everyone feel confused and ripped off. After all, we were all looking for a conclusion to the story but what we ended up with was something vaguely resembling a Christological allegory with a fist fight in the rain (in the air, above a city) as the final "battle". I'm not kidding.
The worst shot in the film is when smith flies in to punch Neo while he's in the crater on the road. It looks like a set and it looks like he's on wires, both of which are true and both of which take you out of the movie and remind you that you're actually watching a huge peice of crap.
Furthermore, the Oracle (the REAL Oracle) died before she could shoot her scenes for this so they got a lady who looks a little bit like her but is fifty thousand times more annoying and used the excuse that she had to find another shell. Why didn't she pick something different? She's a genderless computer program who can literally have any body she wants so why one that's only SLIGHTLY different to the last one? They even try to sell it by concluding her explaination with her saying "But I still like candy". OH HO HO GOOD HOMAGE. Ugh. Avoid this one.
- Mike

Maori captain + white kid + butt whooping = schooled.
- AJ

Trilogy Summary

Very decent. One of a kind. Everyone must watch; not because it is great but because it is unique.
- L

Didn't need to be a trilogy. Looks good and there's a few cool fights. You could probably make a showreel of the coolest bits from the films running at about 140 mins and that would be nice. But as it stands, first is good but second and third are useless.
- Mike

Concept + character development + special effects = winning formula.
- AJ

Trilogy Grade

- L

- Mike

- AJ

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