Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Trilogy Blog - A Welcome.

Welcome to the Trilogy blog. It is comprised of three people with one goal. To watch every movie trilogy. Maybe ever. We haven't decided that yet. But for now, every one ever. Basically, we select a trilogy and work our way through watching all of the films in it together. We then post our thoughts and deliberations on here to form a concise guide to trilogies for those who fear to enter such a movie watching agreement.

The Trilogy is made up of three members:

AJ Crawford
- Aaron is a geek who enjoys pumping copious amounts of iron while playing Empire: Total War, reading about anything to do with war and eating KFC.

Mike Haydon
- Mike is a dweeb who answers phones for a living who enjoys watching movies with commentary, kicking things and eating scones with jam & cream because they're sick.

- L was previously a school captain but now is a Business student who enjoys speaking fast, asking a lot of questions and smiling more than Richard Branson.

We will park ourselves in Aaron's home theater every chance we get to bring you THRILLING THOUGHTS ABOUT FILM. Feel free to leave comments and we might respond to them. Maybe.

Prepare yourself.


  1. Hi movie-watching apes.

    Well done guys, great idea! What about movie franchises that are more than trilogies? Or ones that are a trilogy and then someone goes and makes a 4th as well (e.g. Indiana Jones or Rambo) or a prequel (e.g. X-men).

    Or what if they're just really gay (e.g. Fast & the Furious) and you can't actually physically sit through a whole movie?

    I think the next trilogy you watch should be Back to the Future. I have the box set if you want to borrow it.

    ;) Nat

  2. Pig, Mike here. We're starting with trilogies, we'll get to movie series' after that. We'll see about the gay trilogies. I personally want to do them all if only for the horrible value of them. We might assign a horrible trilogy to each member to review or something.

    Next up is: you'll see. Back to the Future is in the pipeline though.
